Friday 12 September 2014

The Fine Line Between Awesome and Creepy

It has finally happened!! My ten promised Chromebooks arrived yesterday and I deployed them in class today. During my period two class, students actually cheered, despite having never used a Chromebook before, to be rid of their iPad.

I have to say that at this point I am very impressed, if not a little creeped out. The Chromebook starts up in seconds (even faster than my Macbook Pro) and takes you directly to a log in page to input your Google credentials (which then logs you into all of your Google apps). Once I was logged in I immediately went to the browser and started entering the web address for Classroom. The browser auto-completed the search with my previous web browsing history . . . from my personal computer. Did I mention it did this in a fraction of a second? Almost creepy fast. Kind of makes me wonder if I should be logging out of my Google account regularly instead of just staying signed in.

The ease at which the students took to using the Chromebooks was like a breath of fresh air in comparison to our fighting with the iPads over the last two weeks. To be fair, I am trying to implement all Google products on the iPads, but still, it was a very good day.

Several of my students, upon finding out the price of a Chromebook, are now seriously considering buying one of their own. Now to see if they stand-up against the teenage hoards.

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