Tuesday 2 September 2014

First day in class with Classroom

The day is finally upon us and I just finished teaching three classes with Classroom integration. I thought I would comment on a few practical points that myself and a few of my colleagues have noticed about Classroom.

  1. Although I realize that the intent of Classroom is to have students access it from their own devices, I am annoyed that the font is so small that students cannot read what is on Classroom when it is on the smart board. The ability to change font size is a must.
  2. I also ran into the problem that I know is going to be the most challenging, students needing their Google Ed email accounts. All of my grade tens knew their account info, but only a handful of my grade twelves remembered. I requested their login information two weeks ago, but our Google admin, like most I am sure, is completely overwhelmed this time of year. The required Ed accounts also means that I cannot share what I am doing in my class with parents!!
  3. A few of my colleagues have also noted that not being able to create drafts of posts makes planning a class much more difficult.
At this point, Classroom is creating more hurdles than it is helping. I have had to make all documents editable by anyone with the link and send students to that link through other avenues because without their Ed account, they can't even see the stream.

Tomorrow we will be co-constructing some documents. At this point I think I am going to have to work completely outside of Classroom to make it work.

1 comment:

  1. Alrighty, Mr. Connolly, where do I sign up for your PLC or PD day presentation?
