Friday 5 September 2014

The Inconsistent App- Google Docs

Having used the "assignment" function of Google Classroom for the first time yesterday, I am, at this point, impressed with the ease at which it seems to work (not being able to set assessment with a rubric notwithstanding). Each student received their Google Doc assignment sheet in their folder, which they can edit and then submit. The part that I am most happy with is that students can also add other Drive files or attachments. For me, this means that students will be able to submit their planning and thinking work, as well as a video recording of their actual presentation.

Where things breakdown is in the Google Docs app for iOS. The assignment sheet given contained a few charts (created in Google Docs) which students needed to fill in to show their thinking. What we learned today is that the Docs app does not support the tables created in its own program. It shows up as an unsupported item.

The work-around seems to be opening the document in the iOS Chrome browser where it is editable. This is both frustrating and confusing. Why bother with the app if the browser has more functionality?

1 comment:

  1. I even ran into some iPads that forced students out of Chrome into the Docs app to edit a Docs table that is not compatible with the app. Bahh!
